7️How to remove Liquidity from 3pool

Learn how to remove liquidity in 3pool

Step 1: Unstake Liquidity from Farm

In case you are staking your Liquidity in Farms you first have to remove it from Farms.

Go to Farms v2 and follow this Step 1.

Find 3pool farm and click on it.

Click on Unstake.

Select MAX and click Unstake (confirm transaction on wallet).

Step 2: Remove Liquidity

Go to Pools and select Liquidity page.

If you wish to remove Liquidity from 3pools you have to select Stable Swap. Click on USDC+USDT+DAI.

Click on Remove.

Select Max. Click on Approve (confirm transaction on wallet).

Once approved, you can click on Confirm Withdrawal (confirm transaction on wallet).

You have no successfully removed Liquidity, your tokens will be visible on your wallet.

Last updated